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SINGAPORE, (24 January 2025) — 在中国有显著业务的新加坡生物科技公司觅瑞(MiRXES)星期五(1月24日)宣布,它的香港上市计划已获得中国证券监督管理委员会(CSRC)的“绿灯”。
SINGAPORE, (13 January 2025) — Singapore-based RNA technology firm Mirxes has secured US$40 million in structured financing from CBC Group’s R-Bridge Healthcare Fund.
BioSpectrum – To increase patient access to affordable, advanced genomic testing for cancer in Singapore, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, the National University Hospital, Singapore (NUH) and Mirxes, a Singapore-headquartered RNA technology company, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreement on 14 June.
Straits Times – SINGAPORE – Local biotech firm Mirxes has refiled its draft prospectus for an initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong as it now weighs a listing within 2024.
South China Morning Post – Mirxes has refiled for a Hong Kong IPO with the target of raising at least US$100 million for a valuation expected to reach around US$800 million.
Zao Bao – 本地生物科技公司觅瑞生物(MiRXES)与国立癌症中心联合开发了新的血液生物标志物检测(blood biomarker test)技术,为更多患者筛查肝硬化风险。
Straits Times – SINGAPORE – Madam Choo Mee Kung, 60, started having neck pain in March 2023, but checks showed that nothing was amiss.
BioSpectrum – Singapore’s National University Hospital (NUH) and leading RNA technology company, Mirxes have officialy unveiled the NUH DMOC@Biopolis, one of Singapore’s first publicprivate partnership centres for specialty molecular testing.
Zao Bao – 相比单次基因检测,能够一次性检测50条基因的下一代基因测序技术,可以为癌症患者极大缩短发现基因问题的时间、更及时获得精准治疗。新加坡国立大学医院与私人基因检测企业觅瑞(Mirxes)合作,在本地公立医院应用这项技术,能帮助患者节省约一半的检测费用。
8World – 国大医院与私人领域合作提供先进的癌症诊断测试,包括下一代基因测序,这可识别肿瘤中的基因突变,为患者提供个性化和更精准的治疗,同时费用也低一半。中心营运近一年以来,已有1300多名病患受惠。
Zao Bao – 本地生物科技公司觅瑞生物(MiRXES)更新它在香港交易所的招股书,并将通过首日公开售股(IPO)活动,筹集至少1亿美元(1亿3535万新元),公司估值也预料高于6亿美元。
TheEdge – Singapore biotech firm Mirxes has refiled its draft prospectus for a Hong Kong IPO, with a target to raise at least US$100 million ($135.28 million) for a valuation of some US$600 million. This news comes a year after Mirxes first filed to list on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (HKEx) last July.
Straits Times – SINGAPORE – Biotechnology firm Mirxes had over 100 employees in 2021. But in just three years, the company has more than doubled in size, with over 300 staff globally today.
Zao Bao – 1990年代,从中国苏州到新加坡念中学,后上大学、读博士与创业,周砺寒碰上了生物医学领域在全球和新加坡发展浪潮的时代。叔叔胃癌病逝,让他领悟到病人、家属与医生的无能为力,思考生物医学“能不能不让同样的事再发生”。
Straits Times – SINGAPORE – To watch a loved one wither away from terminal illness is terrifying and traumatic, what more to experience that as a teenager.
Business Times – The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star) on Friday (Nov 17) launched three advanced manufacturing joint labs with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with a combined investment of over S$30 million.
Prestige – we discover how Dr Zhou Lihan, the recipient of Prestige Singapore’s Vanguard Award, blazes a path in early cancer detection technology.
BioSpectrum – Mirxes, a Singapore headquartered RNA technology company that is making diagnostic solutions for the early detection of diseases accessible on a global scale, has recently signed a partnership agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to contribute to the fight against cancer in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.
e27 – Mirxes Holding develops and commercialises non-invasive and affordable blood-based miRNA test kit products for the early detection of cancer and other diseases.
GenomeWeb – MiRxes said this week that its flagship GastroClear PCR-based in vitro diagnostic test for the early detection of gastric cancer has been granted breakthrough device designation by the US food and Drug admission.
SCMP – Pushing the boundaries of science and technology is critical to the future of healthcare. In the fight against cancer, the crucible lies in early detection of the disease, which has led to the death of about 30 million over the past three years.
Business Times – CANCER diagnostics company Mirxes has applied to Hong Kong’s stock exchange for an initial public offering (IPO), potentially becoming the first company based outside of China and Hong Kong to list under a provision that supports biotech IPOs on the bourse.
GenomeWeb – NEW YORK – MiRxes said Wednesday that it has completed a Series D funding round totaling $50 million, which will help accelerate the Singapore-based firm’s development of cancer early detection blood tests and other preventive healthcare solutions.
InsuranceBusiness – Pan-Asian life insurer FWD Singapore has announced the launch of a new product aimed at encouraging the early detection of cancer called FWD Cancer 2.0 insurance.
Economist Impact – To counter the onward march of diseases, the medical community must switch its focus from treating illnesses to preventing them. Dr Zhao Pan, vice-president of Genomics at MiRXES, shares how microRNA-powered early cancer detection testing is a game changer.
Straits Times – SINGAPORE – Netball Singapore (NS) has received a boost ahead of a busy year for the national team, with local biotechnology company MiRXES coming on board as title sponsor of the 2023 and 2024 Nations Cup.
Jetro – 2014年に創業のMiRXES(ミレクシス)は、血液中に含まれるマイクロRNAをバイオマーカ―(生物学的指標)として、胃がんなどがんの早期診断の検査キットを開発するシンガポールに本社を置くバイオテクノロジー企業だ。
GenomeWeb – As part of the arrangement, PT Elion will validate MiRxes’ microRNA-based tests for stomach and lung cancer in an Indonesian cohort.
Straits Times – SINGAPORE – When Associate Professor Too Heng-Phon was about to start biotechnology firm Mirxes back in 2010, he asked several of his PhD students to join him, but also warned them that it would be tough going.
Bio Spectrum – MiRXES, a Singapore-headquartered biotechnology company, has unveiled the cutting-edge DNBSEQ-T10×4RS Genetic Sequencing System (T10), the world’s largest and highest throughput next generation sequencer. In the presence of Dr Wang Jian, Chairman and Co-founder of BGI Group, the platform was launched.
e27 – Leading biotechnology company MiRXES launched the first edition of the MiRXES Translator Program at the Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology (SWITCH).
Portfolio – How can healthcare facilities employ design thinking to create more friendly environments? Studio Antimatter’s design of the early Medical Centre offers a case study. Behind an expansive glass façade, the walls and ceiling of early Medical Centre ebb and flow. Tones of peach, white, and light grey give the space a gentle character that runs counter to typical healthcare facilities.
BioSpectrum – MiRXES Pte Ltd, a Singapore-headquartered biotechnology company, has collaborated with National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) and National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS) in a nationwide effort to manage the risk of pulmonary hypertension.
GenomeWeb – NEW YORK – MiRxes, a Singapore-based biotechnology company, is launching a study to identify biomarkers associated with pulmonary hypertension in Asian populations and validate a microRNA-based diagnostic test for early identification and diagnosis of the condition.
IAM – Dr Kenneth Wong, of Singapore-based MiRXES, discusses using a multi-faceted IP approach to propel the company forward.
Zao Bao – 为NCIS癌症基金筹得善款的“Let’s Ride”慈善骑行闭幕仪式星期天(9月18日)早上在滨海湾活动空间举行。主办方邀请了11名本地艺人包括陈汉玮、郑各评、洪慧芳、郑颖、郭妃丽、马艺瑄、陈邦鋆等参与活动。贸工部兼文化、社区及青年部政务部长刘燕玲是活动主宾。
Straits Times – SINGAPORE – A heavy downpour on Sunday morning did not deter more than 650 cyclists from riding a collective 38,902km to raise funds for cancer patients.
8 World – 由本地生物科技公司觅瑞主办的慈善骑行活动,最后一轮骑行项目共吸引超过650人参与,陈汉玮、郑各评和洪慧芳等艺人也到场支持。这场为期一个月的活动,共为新加坡国立大学癌症中心癌症基金筹得超过8万8900元。
Zao Bao – 人才是新加坡最珍贵的资源,回顾1990年代,时任国家科技局主席杨烈国走访全球各顶尖大学和研究机构,寻找最优秀人才来新加坡从事生物医学研究,这个外籍“鲸鱼”带本地“孔雀鱼”的模式,多年来成功培育许多科研人才,提高了国家的竞争实力。
EJ Tech – 胃癌是本港第六大癌症殺手,惟早期胃癌病徵不明顯。新加坡生物科技公司覓瑞(MiRXES)計劃今年底前,在港引入全球首個胃癌血液「小分子核糖核酸」(microRNA)篩檢試劑盒GASTROClear,利用血清檢測評估患癌風險。未來亦有意開發及引進其他癌症(如肺癌、乳癌、大腸癌等)篩檢產品到港,盼推廣定期癌症篩檢普及化。
EJ Tech – 新加坡生物科技公司覓瑞(MiRXES),去年11月正式落戶香港。公司香港董事總經理羅文達看好本港生科發展,認為本港有重要的策略地位,目標是先做好本地市場,繼而推廣至粵港澳大灣區。他透露,連同去年完成C輪融資8700萬美元後,該企累計融資額逾1.3億美元(約10.14億港元)。
Pictet – Dr Zou Ruiyang is co-founder and chief technology officer at MiRXES, which uses the power of RNA to deliver early personalized diagnoses that can be acted upon quickly to improve and save lives.
Asian Scientists – Singapore-based biotechnology company, MiRXES, recently launched a series of new capabilities—including an Industry 4.0 (i4.0) manufacturing facility, two new laboratories and a collaborative multi-cancer screening research project.
SCMP – Moving forward in a post-pandemic world brings the focus back on cancer, a mostly insidious disease that caused nearly 10 million deaths in 2020, far exceeding the estimated 3 million death toll from Covid-19 for that year.
Asia’s Scientific – Recognizing the importance of microRNA as a key biomarker in several diseases, Professor Cheng He hopes to address critical challenges in the development of early disease diagnostic tools at MiRXES.
Tabla – A home-grown biotech company has begun a large-scale clinical study for a blood test that can offer early screening of up to nine different cancers that have high mortality rates.
Berita Harian – SEBUAH syarikat bioteknologi Singapura telah memulakan satu kajian klinikal berskala besar bagi ujian darah yang boleh menawarkan pemeriksaan awal bagi hingga sembilan barah berbeza yang mempunyai kadar kematian tinggi.
Straits Times – SINGAPORE – A home-grown biotech company has begun a large-scale clinical study for a blood test that can offer early screening of up to nine different cancers that have high mortality rates.
BioSpectrum – MiRXES Pte Ltd, (HQ: Singapore) has launched the world’s first large-scale clinical research Project, CADENCE (CAncer Detected Early caN be CurEd). Project CADENCE aims to develop a multi-cancer early detection test for up to nine high incidence and high mortality cancers, including lung, breast, colorectal, liver, stomach (gastric), esophageal, ovarian, pancreatic, and prostate cancers.
GenomeWeb – NEW YORK – MiRxes, a Singapore-based RNA testing firm, said on Thursday it has signed a memorandum of understanding with several Singapore universities and hospitals to launch a study of circulating microRNA and DNA methylation biomarkers for multi-cancer early detection.
Business Times – BIOTECH startup MiRXES has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with a clinical research project for the discovery and validation of a test for the early detection of cancer.
8 World – 本地将展开全球首个大规模临床试验研究项目,通过探索和验证血液中的生物标志物及早检测出多达九种高发和高致死率癌症,其中包括肺癌、乳腺癌,结肠直肠癌和前列腺癌。
Zao Bao – 新加坡开展全球首个大型临床研究项目,通过探索和验证血液中的生物标志物,研发能及早检测出九种高发和高致死率癌症的检测仪。
Business Times – MiRXES Pte Ltd, a Singapore-headquartered biotechnology company, and A*STAR spinoff, focused on saving and improving lives with miRNA-powered cancer early detection tests, has announced the opening of the first industry 4.0 (i4.0) in vitro diagnostic (IVD) manufacturing facility in Southeast Asia.
Zao Bao – 贸工部长颜金勇昨天出席设施的开幕仪式后对媒体表示,本地制造业应继续转型、投资于研发和创新,政府会持续支持商家的转型之路,“如果不寻求进步,我们将会落后于他人。”
Business Times – BIOTECH startup MiRXES opened an S$8 million in-vitro diagnostic manufacturing facility, the largest in South-east Asia, spanning 15,000 square feet and located at JTC MedTech Hub in Singapore. Asia.
8 World – 总部设在本地的生物技术公司,觅瑞MiRXES正式启用东南亚第一个且最大的工业4.0设施。新设施能利用数据分析和算法,预测供应链可能遭遇的干扰,提高效率。
Straits Times – SINGAPORE – Mirxes, a biotechnology company based in Singapore and a spin-off from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star), has opened the first Industry 4.0 (i4.0) manufacturing facility in South-east Asia.
CNA – Local biotech firm MiRXES has opened Southeast Asia’s first and largest industry 4.0 facility producing in-vitro diagnostic tests for illnesses such as cancer.
HKET – 疫情加速了科技融入医药学科研范畴,生物科技行业开始获得市场关注。专注于核糖核酸(RNA)科技的新加坡高生物科技企业「觅瑞」(MiRXES),自2014年起致力于研发疾病早诊技术与将其商业化。现时业务遍布香港、中国、日本、美国等45个国家及地区,故吸纳人才成为其首要挑战。 该企藉创造一个较人性化及较灵活的工作环境等3招,以招徕人才。
Channel NewsAsia – A global innovation hotspot, Singapore is grooming creative talents from diverse fields. What exciting projects can we find in this future-ready city?
Produced in partnership with Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), Singapore
CNBC – In the latest installment of our documentary series, The Unstoppables, EY Global Entrepreneurship takes you on a journey of discovery into the character, ambition, and humanity of the three of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs.
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- Genomics
- Clinical Sequencing
- Research Sequencing
- Cancer Screening
- GASTROClear for Patients
- GASTROClear for Medical Professionals
- LUNGClear
- Cancer Treatment Selection
- APEX Tissue Panel for Medical Professionals
- Infectious Diseases
- Fortitude 2.1
- Fortitude 3.0
- Fortitude Syndromic Panel
- CoVClear Mutation Panel
- Swab & Saliva Collection
- RNA Extraction Kit & Instruments