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Singapore, 24 January 2025 – 在中国有显著业务的新加坡生物科技公司觅瑞(MiRXES)星期五(1月24日)宣布,它的香港上市计划已获得中国证券监督管理委员会(CSRC)的“绿灯”。
这家曾经考虑在新加坡和香港两地上市、总部设于新加坡的公司在贴文中指出,中国证监会于2023年3月31日推出一项新的备案制度,要求所有中国公司,通过向中国证监会提交有关关键合规问题的材料(PRC Filing Requirements),为它们直接或间接的海外上市和证券发行进行注册。这个制度适用于中国发行商和主要业务在中国大陆的香港和海外注册的发行商。
贴文还提供中国证监会“关于Mirxes Holding Company Limited(觅瑞集团控股有限公司)境外发行上市备案通知书”页面的链接。网页显示,中国证监会国际合作司在星期五“确认”觅瑞集团在香港发行上市的备案信息。
About Mirxes
Mirxes is a leading RNA technology company that is making cancer early detection solutions accessible on a global scale. Leading the global fight against cancer, our flagship initiative, Project CADENCE (Cancer Detected Early caN be CurEd), leverages our industry-leading RNA technology platform, deep expertise in PCR diagnostics, and population-scale next-generation sequencing (NGS) capabilities to create a blood-based multi-cancer early detection test to alleviate cancer burden, save lives and reduce healthcare costs. Founded in 2014, Mirxes is a high growth company, headquartered in Singapore, producing diagnostic test kits for early disease detection globally, and delivering research and clinical testing services for preventive healthcare and precision medicine to key markets in Asia and beyond. For more information, visit Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.