healthy life

9 simple tips for a healthy life

6 minutos

Living a healthy life can sometimes feel like an impossible challenge. The pressures of work and family obligations can make it increasingly difficult to find time to look after our own health and well-being. 

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In this article, we’ll show you a few easy ways to make your lifestyle healthier, even when you’re busy. No matter how overwhelming your day-to-day routine may be, you can still live a healthy life. 

What is a healthy life, anyway? 

A healthy life isn’t just about diet and exercise. The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” 

In other words, a healthy life is a lifestyle that includes a healthy diet and regular exercise –- but also activities that we enjoy, engaging relationships with other people, adequate rest and sleep, and an overall sense of emotional balance. 

How to make your diet healthier

You don’t need to make radical changes to live a healthy life. For instance, you can make your diet healthier with these quick and easy tips: 

  1. Cut back on sugary drinks. Too much sugar in your diet can lead to weight gain, inflammation, and high blood pressure. One of the easiest ways to cut down on sugar is to decrease your intake of sugary drinks, like sweetened tea or coffee, soda and juice. Try skipping the sugar in your tea or coffee, or drinking half a glass of juice topped up with water. 
  1. Add more vegetables. A healthy meal should consist of at least 50% vegetables or fruits. An easy way to up your vegetable intake would be to plan your meals around your vegetables. You can simply start by adding vegetables to your plate, and then supplement those vegetables with carbohydrates and proteins to make a complete meal. Aim for five portions of vegetables or fruit every day. 
  1. Choose healthy snacks. Many snack foods are high in salt and saturated fats. Instead of reaching for junk food, try combining a high protein food (like nuts or cheese) with a piece of fruit or some vegetables, for a healthy snack that keeps you full for longer. 
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Easy ways to get more exercise 

Doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of physical activity everyday – but almost anything that raises your heart rate can count. To fit more exercise into your busy schedule, try: 

  1. Adding a brisk walk. If you commute to work, try parking further from the office, or getting off the train a few stops early. Aim to walk fast enough that your breathing rate increases. 
  1. Set a timer at work. Every 45 minutes, stand up and move around. If you’re working from home, you could do 10 minutes of calisthenics or stretching. In the office, you can simply take a short walk. 
  1. Exercise at your desk. This series of exercises, published by the Singapore Ministry of Health, are easy and quick to do. All you need is a chair! 

Quick tips for a more balanced healthy life 

To live a healthy life, you need to find ways to relax and unwind, manage stress and get plenty of rest. This can be easier said than done, so here are a few tips to try: 

  1. Try meditation. Meditation has been proven to offer numerous health benefits, including reducing systemic inflammation, controlling anxiety, and improving sleep. Just a few minutes a day of focused breathing can have significant health benefits. 
  1. Prioritize sleep. The average adult requires seven or eight hours of sleep every night. Getting enough sleep can sometimes feel tricky, but the health benefits are huge. A healthy sleep routine can boost your immune system, improve your heart health, and boost your mood. 
  1. Make time for friends and family. Spending time with loved ones can boost your immune system, improve your mental health, and may even reduce your chances of developing dementia. Even if you don’t have time to meet in person, a video call can help – or you could try exercising with friends, for even more health benefits.  

One small step at a time

No matter how busy or stressful your life is, you can still take small steps towards a healthy life. Health isn’t just about your diet – building a balanced lifestyle that includes enjoyable activities, time with loved ones, rest, exercise, and nutritious food will help you feel great and get more out of life. 

Tips for a healthy life

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